Shareware Grab Bag
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Keyboard Assistance for the Handicapped
and for Others Using the
IBM-PC (tm) under PC-DOS (tm)
(C) Copyright 1983 by
Daniel M. O'Brien
1601 Burlington
Lisle, IL 60532
Version 1.4
14 September 1983
This is User-Supported Software. If you find this software useful,
a contribution (15 dollars suggested) will be appreciated. In any
case, you are encouraged to copy this program and share it with
others. Questions, comments, and suggestions are also welcome.
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
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ABSTRACT......................................... 3
INSTALLATION..................................... 3
LIMITATIONS...................................... 3
USING THE SHIFT KEYS............................. 4
CANCELLING A SHIFT KEY........................... 4
DISTRIBUTION FILES............................... 5
DISCLAIMER....................................... 5
PERMISSION TO COPY............................... 5
THE USER-SUPPORTED CONCEPT....................... 5
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
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KEYHELP.COM is a program that, once invoked, attaches itself
to PC-DOS and augments the operation of the keyboard handler
residing in the ROM BIOS. Operation is augmented in that the four
shift keys ("Alt", "Ctrl", "left-shift", and "right-shift") are
toggled "on" when pressed and "remembered" after their release so
that the next key pressed will appear as shifted. The shift key is
automatically turned "off".
The sole purpose of "remembering" a shift key is to assist
someone with a handicap making it difficult to press multiple keys
simultaneously. With KEYHELP a key sequence such as "Alt-Ctrl-Del"
(i.e., re-boot) becomes easy. "Alt" is pressed and released,
"Ctrl" is pressed and released, and finally, "Del" is pressed and
the system re-boots.
Although KEYHELP is a great aid for the handicapped, it in no
way impedes those who normally touch-type and is also a boon to
those who "hunt & peck" their way around the keyboard. A
touch-typist no longer has to also be a contortionist to press
multiple keys ("Alt-Function" keys for example). A light touch on
the "Alt" key and a touch on the desired function key gives the
same results as holding down both the "Alt" key and the function
key. The "hunt & peck" style has its own rewards: the adventure of
looking for the desired key, and the thrill of discovering it.
With KEYHELP, once the desired shift key is found, pressing and
releasing it causing the next key "discovered" to be shifted.
KEYHELP is a silent partner to the person entering characters
into the PC via the keyboard. They only clue that KEYHELP is doing
its job is the change in the behavior of the four shift keys, but
KEYHELP can only do its jobs when installed as part of DOS.
This is done by placing the floppy diskette containing
KEYHELP into disk-drive A: and typing KEYHELP. KEYHELP signals its
installation by displaying a salutation line on the display.
A better way of installing KEYHELP is to make it part of your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file and copy KEYHELP.COM to your boot diskette. Then
everytime your PC is powered on or rebooted, KEYHELP is
automatically installed as part of DOS and controls the operation
of the shift keys. (If you are not sure what an AUTOEXEC.BAT file
is or how to create one, there is one supplied for you on your
KEYHELP distribution diskette. Copy it to your boot diskette along
Other programs may interfere with KEYHELP's ability to
control the shift keys. Any program that takes control of the
keyboard operation, such as 1-2-3(tm), will not work with KEYHELP.
A number of programs that modify the operation of the
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
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keyboard, though, have been tested with KEYHELP and work well with
it. These programs include SCROLLK (as featured in "Softalk", May
1983), COLORBLK, a program found on many electronic bulletin
boards, and ProKey(tm) (Version 2.13) by RoseSoft, an especially
useful keyboard extender.
KEYHELP should, however, be installed after these other
programs to ensure its maximum effectiveness. If you encounter a
program that interferes with the operation of KEYHELP, please
contact the author to see whether a bypass is available.
KEYHELP's job is to "remember" that a particular shift key
has been pressed and to cause the next key pressed to be shifted.
This means that if a capital-a ("A") is required as input to a
program, normally one would hold the "right-shift" key down (or
equivalently the left) and press the "a" key, but with KEYHELP the
sequence becomes press "left-shift" key (or right), release, and
then press the "a" key and release. Capital-a will appear as input
to the program.
The two other shift keys, "Alt" and "Ctrl", behave in a
similar fashion. For example, terminating the execution of a
running BASIC program with the help of KEYHELP becomes press and
release the "Ctrl" key and press and release the "Scroll Lock"
key. The re-boot sequence, "Alt-Ctrl-Del", was covered in the
To use the shift keys normally, just hold the shift key down,
press the key to be shifted, and then release both keys. Holding
down the key to be shifted results in the character/key being
repeated at about 2 characters per second (typeamatic).
The important thing to remember is that if you press a shift
key and release, the next key pressed will appear as shifted.
If a shift key is inadvertantly pressed and you wish to turn
it off and not have the next key shifted, pressing the same shift
key again will toggle it "off".
Note: Holding a shift key down and pressing another key will
cause the second key pressed to appear as shifted, and the shift
key is not "remembered" in this case.
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
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The distribution diskette should contain the following files:
KEYHELP.COM - KEYHELPs command file
KEYHELP.DOC - KEYHELPs documentation
AUTOEXEC.BAT - A sample containing KEYHELP
PRINTKH.BAT - A .BAT command file to print KEYHELPs
COPYKH.BAT - A .BAT command file to make a new copy of
KEYHELPs distribution files
In no event will the author be liable to you for any damages,
including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or
consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to
use these programs, even if the author has been advised of the
possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
Clubs and other non-profit organizations are granted
permission by the author to freely copy this program and
documentation and share it with their members, so long as:
1) No price is charged for the software or documentation.
However, a distribution cost may be charged for the cost of
the diskette, so long as it is not more than $6 total.
2) Club members are informed of the user-supported concept
and encouraged to support it with their donations.
3) The program or documentation are not modified in any way
and are distributed together.
If you are using this program and find it to be of value
your contribution ($15 is suggested)
will be appreciated.
Daniel M. O'Brien
1601 Burlington
Lisle, IL 60532
Regardless of whether you make a contribution,
you are encouraged to copy and share this program.
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
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User-supported software is an experiment in distributing
computer programs, based on these beliefs:
1) That the value and utility of software is best assessed by
the user on his/her own system.
2) That the creation of personal computer software can and
should be supported by the computing community.
3) That copying of programs should be encouraged, rather than
Anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by
sending a blank, formatted diskette to the author of the program.
An addressed, postage-paid return mailer must accompany the
diskette (no exceptions, please). A copy of the program, with
documentation on the diskette, will be sent by return mail. The
program will carry a notice suggesting a contribution to the
program's author. Making a contribution is completely voluntary on
the part of each user.
Free distribution of software and voluntary payment for its
use eliminates costs for advertising and copy protection schemes.
Users obtain quality software at reduced cost. They can try it out
before buying, and do so at their own pace and in the comfort of
their own home or office. The best programs will survive, based
purely on their quality and usefulness.
Please join the experiment.
If you believe in these ideals, your contribution is
solicited to help make them work.
(The sections entitled "DISCLAIMER" through "THE
USER-SUPPORTED CONCEPT" were freely adapted from the documentation
for PC-FILE, an extremely useful data base program developed by
Jim Button under the User-Supported Software concept.)
This documentation was prepared using "4MAT", a text
processor also available as a "User-Supported Concept" program.
For a copy of the program with documentation, contact the author
of KEYHELP listed above.
KEYHELP (C) by Daniel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983
niel M. O'Brien 14 Sept 1983